#26 – Earworm, or Quart is in Session

I listen to music like I do everything else – all in or all out.

Generally I’ll get stuck on a genre, or a band, or more likely a particular song.

If I’m digging a song I’ll wear it out.  I’ll listen until I get sick of it and can no longer stand the sound of it.  It takes me a long time to get sick of a song, though, so can listen to it for a long time.  It’s kind of like the episode of SpongeBob when he had the Earworm and listened to this song over and over:

If you can find this full episode I highly recommend it.

So here is the song currently creating an earworm in my brain.  I’ll probably only listen to it 1000x more before I get sick of it.  It’s indicative of my current mood.  Check back around Thanksgiving for an update.

With lyrics:


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